Github💎Git Coding

Github 💎 Git Coding

Git Sample Coding

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Netlify - Github / Fixing and update videos from history of Github repository

How to modify after deploying designated Github's repository to netlify

Git command is used next content (2023/05/24)
  1. git add <extension type etc.>
  2. git status
  3. git commit -m <comment>
  4. git push origin master

How to modify after deploying designated Github's repository to netlify

Git command is used next content (2023/05/27)
  1. git add . <all files><Exclude specified files by .gitignore>
  2. git status
  3. git commit -m <comment>
  4. git push origin master

Update and Download for Git command line from Downloads site URL

Update and Download for Git command line

Update and Install of Git (2023/05/30)
  1. git -v <Get Version>
